Join Editorial Board
Reviewers play an essential role in the peer review process. The peer review process is important as it guarantees high quality of manuscripts published. Whether a submitted manuscript is suitable for publication mostly depends on evaluation of reviewers. Therefore, we sincerely welcome academics and researchers to join our Editorial Board.
What reviewers do?
- Reviewers evaluate articles submitted to a journal, based on the requirements of that journal.
- They provide feedback on the articles, suggest potential improvements and make a recommendation to the editors in their decisions to accept, reject or request changes to the article.
- Reviewers should alert the editors of any issues relating to author misconduct, such as plagiarism.
Why reviewers review?
There are great benefits to become a reviewer. You can:
- Increase your exposure to key advancement in the field.
- Consolidate your expertise in the field.
- Develop critical thinking skills essential to research.
- Advance in your career –Bolstering of resumes for promotion and/or tenure
- This is a voluntary job. While we do not offer salaries to volunteers, your name will be listed in the printed journal and on the journal’s webpage.
Eligibility and requirements for a peer reviewer:
- Doctoral degree or above
- Be fluent in academic and professional English
- Strong interest and expertise in scholarly journals
- Efficiency and Accuracy
How to Apply:
- Please complete the application form. Download HERE
Send the application form to the journal’s e-mail address (Click HERE to choose a journal).