(Frequently Asked Questions)  

Q1: Are all journals published by CSP Press peer-reviewed and open access?

A1: Yes, all the journals published by CSP Press are peer-reviewed by at least two editorial members, one internal editorial staff and two external reviewers. All its journals are open access, which means that the journals are free to access and download, without any subscription fee as in the traditional subscription-based model. Open access allows all interested readers to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription, enabling far greater distribution of an author’s work than the traditional subscription-based publishing model.

Q2: Is the CSP Press an organization funded by the government or the public?

A2: No. The CSP Press is a private organization and does not receive funds from the government or the public.

Q3: What’s your business model for journal publishing?

A3: We follow the Gold Open Access way. This means that authors publish in our journals that provide immediate open access for readers to all articles on the publisher’s website. The readers pay nothing, while authors (or their institutions or funders) pay a publication fee to maintain the journal operation.

CSP Press is committed to working toward a business model that:

  • Allows dissemination of peer reviewed manuscripts immediately upon publication, at no charge on the part of users, without requiring registration or other restrictions to access.
  • Requires copyright holders to allow users to “copy, use, distribute, transmit, and display the work publicly and to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship…”

Q4: Why do you charge a publication fee?

A4: We publish Print + Open Access journals, which allow all interested readers to view, download, print, and redistribute any article without a subscription fee, enabling far greater distribution of an author’s work than the traditional subscription-based publishing model. CSP Press guarantees that no institution, university library or individual reader will ever have to buy access through pay-per-view fees to access the articles published in its journals. Hence, CSP Press does not have any income from subscription fees for print or online version of its journals. In order to cover the costs which cover but are not limited to the following items: printing, postage of hard copies, Crossref and Crosscheck annual fees, typesetting and proofreading, editorial staff salary and other costs incurred in managing and maintaining (article online hosting and backup) a journal, CSP Press has to use a form of charging a publication fee. Note that the publication fee is only asked to pay if a manuscript is accepted for publication in a journal after peer-review and possible revision of the manuscript.

Q5: How long will it take to peer review a manuscript?

A5: We aim to finish the peer-review process faster than traditional journals, without compromising the quality of the peer review process. We usually finish the peer review process in two to four weeks. Of course, the peer-review process might be accelerated on the request of the authors. We do not charge any extra fee for fast review.

Q6: When should I submit my manuscripts? Is there any deadline?

A6: You can submit your manuscript at any time that is convenient for you. There is no deadline for open submission. Your manuscript will be published in the forthcoming issue once it is accepted for publication.

Q7: Do you have any template for preparing my manuscript?

A7: Yes, for your convenience, CSP Press has developed a paper template for you to prepare your manuscript. Please download Paper Template and Template TitlePage.

Q8: How can I submit a manuscript to journals hosted by CSP Press?

A8: It is preferred that you submit your manuscript through the Online Submission System. Through the online submission system, you can easily track the status of your submission. For online submission, you can refer to the Guidance on Online Submission. Of course, if you have any difficulty in submitting your manuscript online, submissions sent via emails (Click E-mails) will also be acceptable.

You are welcome to pose any question to us. Please send us an E-mail