Nüshu: Scripting Women's Empowerment and Cultural Legacy in Chinese Society
What is Nushu,Tsinghua University Research Center for Ancient Chinese Characters and Art http://www.thurcacca.org › bookpage
Integration of ancient and modern texts,Introduction to Nushu - A collection of ancient and modern texts,http://ccamc.org › nvshu_intro
Judging from the background of Nüshu’s creation, it is a product of the patriarchal social system.Hunan Intangible Cultural Heritage,http://hnfy1.txhn.net › fyyj › yjpl
Research on women’s studies, women’s books, women’s celebrity and women’s artistic creation,http://www.art-woman.com › HongViewDetail
Nushu: The "Book of Tears" Chasing the Sun,https://www.unesco.org › articles › nushuzhuizhuyangg...
Research on Nvshu, Nühong and female artistic creation - traditional female art education and modern...https://www.semanticscholar.org › paper › Women’s studies, women’s books...
"Interpreting Nushu": The pursuit of value in the protection and inheritance of Nüshu culture,http://www.cnwomen.com.cn › 2023/07/05
Zhao Liming, Nüshu and Nüshu culture,https://books.google.com › books › about