Cloud Computing and Hyperscale Data Centers: A Comparative Study of Usage Patterns


  • Yu Ma Northeastern University, Computer Science,Portland, Maine, 04101, USA
  • Zhixuan Shen Northeastern University, Computer Science,Portland, Maine, 04101, USA
  • Jinnian Shen Northeastern University, Information Systems,Oakland, California, 94613, USA



Cloud Computing, Hyperscale Data Centers, Usage Patterns, Resource Utilization, Scalability, Cost Models


The rapid growth of cloud computing and hyperscale data centers has transformed the way we store, process, and manage data. Understanding usage patterns is crucial for optimizing resource allocation, performance, security, and costs in these environments. This paper explores the similarities and differences between cloud computing and hyperscale data centers, highlighting their implications for users and providers. We discuss the importance of understanding.


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How to Cite

Ma, Y., Shen, Z., & Shen, J. (2024). Cloud Computing and Hyperscale Data Centers: A Comparative Study of Usage Patterns. Journal of Theory and Practice of Engineering Science, 4(06), 11–19.