Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis of Customer Reviews Based on Neural Multi-task Learning
Deep learning, Sentiment Analysis, Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis, Machine learningAbstract
In the era of big data, major e-commerce platforms are facing the challenge of an exponential growth in the number of user comments. Effectively utilizing these comments has become an urgent issue. Traditional manual statistical methods are no longer able to meet the demands for accuracy and real-time analysis. The rise of artificial intelligence-based text mining techniques provides a new approach to address this problem. By building deep learning analysis models, it is possible to uncover user preferences and product characteristics, helping businesses proactively adjust sales strategies, improve product and service quality, and achieve precise marketing. Text sentiment analysis is one of the important research directions in the field of text mining. Its basic idea is to transform subjective texts with emotional color into structured data, and then use machine learning, deep learning, and other artificial intelligence technologies to extract emotional features and discover knowledge patterns. This article proposes a deep learning-based sentiment analysis model, which includes a shared sentiment prediction layer used to transfer emotional knowledge between different aspect categories and alleviate the problem of insufficient data. The model consists of two parts: the Aspect Category Detection (ACD) classifier based on attention mechanism and the Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis (ACSA) classifier. The ACD part generates word weights using attention mechanism, while the ACSA part predicts the sentiment of words and combines weights to determine the sentiment of aspect categories within sentences.
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