Decoding Sentiments: Enhancing COVID-19 Tweet Analysis through BERT-RCNN Fusion


  • Jize Xiong Computer Information Technology, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA
  • Mingyang Feng Computer Information Technology, Northern Arizona University, Winnipeg, Canada
  • Xiaosong Wang Computer Network Technology, Xuzhou University of Technology, Xuzhou, China
  • Chufeng Jiang Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin, Fremont, USA
  • Ning Zhang Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Zhiming Zhao Computer Science, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China



COVID-19, Sentiment Analysis, BERT-RCNN


In the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, the surge in information sharing on social media, particularly Twitter, necessitates a nuanced understanding of sentiments. Conventional sentiment analysis methods face challenges in capturing the evolving discourse's contextual nuances. This study introduces a novel approach, employing BERT-RCNN for sentiment classification of COVID-19-related tweets. BERT's bidirectional contextual insights combined with RCNN's feature extraction enhance our model's accuracy. The labels 'Neutral,' 'Positive,' and 'Negative' provide a nuanced emotional analysis. Our methodology overcomes traditional limitations, offering a context-aware sentiment analysis. By leveraging BERT-RCNN, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of public sentiments during the pandemic, addressing evolving challenges in sentiment classification.


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How to Cite

Xiong, J., Feng, M., Wang, X., Jiang, C., Zhang, N., & Zhao, Z. (2024). Decoding Sentiments: Enhancing COVID-19 Tweet Analysis through BERT-RCNN Fusion. Journal of Theory and Practice of Engineering Science, 4(01), 86–93.