The Influence of the Music Giant Beethoven on the Development of Later Styles?


  • Ruohan Zhang North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063210, Hebei, China



Beethoven, Late Style, Composed


Beethoven's pieces had a great influence on the later pianists and composers. During his whole life, he suffered from a lot like deadness, lost love and wicked nephew. Because of these painful things, the pieces that he composed in his last period of life changed style. This paper indicated that the reason why Beethoven changed his style when he was old. the introduction introduced briefly Beethoven and his life, then the second part talked about what reasons changed his late style, with some pieces as examples, and the last part compared Beethoven's early style and late style what changes that the pieces have. Meanwhile, Czerny was talked in the last part, show his inheritance from Beethoven in the pieces. In the current education model, it is more advocated to cultivate comprehensive professional talents. Art education has become an important learning subject for students at different learning stages. To cultivate students' aesthetic ability and enhance their art ability, scientific and reasonable education plans are established, and teaching objectives are implemented through relevant education policies, promoting the development of art education courses for college students and enhancing their aesthetic ability, Cultivate comprehensive talents and comprehensively improve the personal comprehensive abilities of college students.


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How to Cite

Zhang, R. (2024). The Influence of the Music Giant Beethoven on the Development of Later Styles?. Journal of Theory and Practice of Contemporary Education, 4(06), 24–33.